Reverse Proxy

A Reverse proxy🔗 is an application to controls traffic flow between clients and the web server applications.
NGINX incon

NGINX is considered one of the best-in-class. A combination of lightweight architecture and exstensive load balancing options makes it an enterprise favorite. The best part? It is absolutely free!

Apache Logo

Apache is a favorite among PHP enthusiasts. With its ability to harness the power of available sysem resources, it delivers static web pages with ease and handles PHP very effectively. In addition it has the benefit of soft reloading, meaning config changes happen in realtime without your sites going down. Furthermore, Apache has modules which act like plugins that you can enable or disable at your ease to control functionality and resource usage.

Traefik Logo

Traefik is an advanced level reverse proxy solutions. It is a label-based proxy and traffic flow manager, meaning it knows where to route traffic based on labels given to dockers, similar to QoS on routers. It is very popular with cloud deployments such as Kubernetes 🔗.

Caddy Logo

Caddy is an intermediate solution. With local or cloud support and auto-certificate renewal, caddy is one of the easiest ways to get up and running with a secure web infrastructure.

Kemp Logo

Kemp is an enterprise-level load balancer. It provides a GUI for those that do not like text-based config files. It is targeted for enterprise however home users can intsall it with pre-made VM files available to download.

NGINX Proxy Manager Logo

NGINX Proxy Manager is by far the easiest reverse proxy to use. With a stream-lined graphical user interface, it allows the user to create proxy rules without having to mess with config files. It also has built in certbot for automatic certificate renewal with Let's Encrypt so you can secure all sites hassle-free!

Which reverse proxy has an enterprise version called F5?

NGINX Trafik Caddy Apache